This is my maid of honor, my first baby child! I could not get married without her standing by my side on such a special day. She is a talented singer, guitar player ,and softball player. Kali-Rae stays busy for sure but still finds time to boss her siblings around !
Dana Giron - bridesmaid
Dana is my closest cousin, more of a sister. we have shared everything from skinned knees to heart breaks. Growing up in Florida we always stayed in the pool swimming and sun bathing. Last year I got to stand with Dana as she said "I do " and I cant wait until she stands with me on my day!
Camryn Smith - bridesmaid
Sometimes god sends you life long friends you didn't see coming. Camryn started working for me in my tea shop and we quickly began a friendship that has lasted through thick and thin. I am so happy she will be with me on my Wedding Day!
Abigail Powell - bridesmaid
A girls girl! Abigail is always the first one to say "how can I help" or "ill be there no problem". No matter what life throws my way I know if I ever need anything Abigail has my back no matter what. She loves my babies like her own and shows up and shows out !!
Abigail Farmer - bridesmaid
"Friendship at first sight" Abigail has been my girl since the moment I stepped foot into her office. We have bonded over Family, friends and life! We keep each other laughing on the daily. Abigail is a friend that I can always count on to be there no matter what is going on.
Harley Ballard - bridesmaid
We all know the "were friends because our husbands are friends". But my Harley is such an added bonus to Brent and Ty's friendship. She is my golf cart riding buddy, baby clothes shopping partner ,and lets have a girls night! We keep each other grounded and share ideas and life goals. it goes without saying she loves our kiddos so much they love their HAHA!
Ty Ballard - Groomsmen
Ty has been a good buddy since kindergarten. We played football and baseball together as kids and now we play golf together as ole dads.
Shane Holcomb - Groomsmen
Shane has been a good friend since the day we met. I know I can always call him if I’m ever in a bind. To know shane is to love shane, he gets along with any and every body!
Tanner James - Groomsmen
Tanner is a cousin but more of a brother. We have grown up together riding four wheelers and playing video games. He’s always been a call away if I’ve ever needed anything no matter the time of day.
Owen Patterson - Groomsmen
It’s kinda crazy I remember holding you when you came home from the hospital. How small you were and now your standing by my side on the day of my wedding.
Dalton James - Best man
To the one who was there from the beginning who has seen and heard it all. My god given best friend.We may have not gotten along all the time but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. We as guys don’t normally tell each other we love each other but nothing makes me happier than knowing he will be by my side on my big day.